Автор(ы): Andriukha Maria Andreevna
Рубрика конференции: Секция 10. Политические науки
DOI статьи: 10.32743/UsaConf.2023.5.44.356136
Библиографическое описание
Andriukha M.A. PROSPECTS FOR DIGITALIZATION OF RUSSIAN POLITICS IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC TURBULENCE// Proceedings of the XLIV International Multidisciplinary Conference «Recent Scientific Investigation». Primedia E-launch LLC. Shawnee, USA. 2023. DOI:10.32743/UsaConf.2023.5.44.356136


Maria Andriukha

Student of the Faculty of  Political Science and Ethnopolitics, South Russian Institute of Management RANEPA,

Russia, Rostov-on-Don

Oksana Moiseenko

Scientific supervisor, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Ethnopolitics, South Russian Institute of Management RANEPA,

Russia, Rostov-on-Don



The presented research work is aimed at determining the prospects of the process of digitalization of Russian politics. The author defines the actual elements of socio-economic conditions that form the space of "turbulence" in the framework of digital politics and the economy of the Russian Federation. Some problems of the region are identified and issues of long-term development are identified.


Keywords: digitalization of Russian politics, socio-economic turbulence, development prospects, current problems, information, government agencies.


The relevance of the study of the process of digitalization and automation of politics in the Russian Federation is reflected through many factors that are primarily related to the simplification of public administration processes and the receipt of state and municipal services. The problems that can "slow down" the process of digitalization of Russian politics in modern conditions are connected with qualitative socio-economic changes in the space. Numerous social catastrophes and shocks, the economic crisis and the sanctions field that have built up in the Russian economy have formed a full-fledged socio-economic turbulence. To determine the prospects of digitalization of politics in Russia, it is necessary to analyze the theoretical and practical essence of this phenomenon, as well as to rely on the features and conditions of the political process.

Digitalization of politics in the Russian Federation is the process of introducing digital technologies and tools into public administration and political processes. It includes the use of digital platforms for the exchange of information between government agencies and citizens, automation of decision-making processes, as well as the creation of electronic services to improve the availability of public services [1]. In addition, the digitalization of politics contributes to the development of the economy and innovation, the creation of new jobs and the improvement of the quality of life of citizens. It also makes it possible to improve the accessibility of public services to the population and increase the level of citizen participation in decision-making processes.

The features of digitalization of Russian politics can be distinguished as follows:

1. The State program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation". Within the framework of this program, tools and mechanisms are being developed for digitalization of various spheres of the country's life, including politics.

2. Electronic voting. Experiments with electronic voting in elections have been conducted in Russia for several years. This makes it possible to increase transparency and trust in the electoral process.

3. Development of online communications. Online communication between citizens and the authorities is actively developing in Russia. For example, electronic platforms have been created for communication with government officials, as well as for citizens' appeals.

4. Using big data and analytics. In Russia, big data and analytics are increasingly being used to make policy decisions. This allows you to more accurately predict the development of the situation and take effective measures.

5. Development of digital services. Digital services that simplify the interaction of citizens with the state are actively developing in Russia. For example, you can get medical services and certificates online.

However, it should be noted that the process of digitalization of Russian politics is not ideal and there are problems such as insufficient protection of personal data and restrictions on Internet freedom.

However, it is necessary to take into account the social aspects of digitalization of politics in order not to create digital inequality and not to exclude certain groups of the population from the processes of public administration. Therefore, conducting social research and ensuring a broad discussion of digital solutions with the participation of various groups of the population is an important aspect of digitalization of politics.

State informatization in Russia is moving to a new level: instead of disparate separate IT systems of federal departments, regional authorities and public services, a single digital ecosystem should appear. In 2022, this process is in the middle of its path: the outlines of the future digital system of public administration are being laid, which will be created jointly by the state and business.

Digitalization of the policy depends on many factors, such as the availability of qualified specialists, the availability of digital services, personal data protection and cybersecurity. To improve the digitalization of the policy, it is necessary to conduct regular audits and vulnerability testing of systems, use modern methods of data encryption and monitoring network activity. It is also necessary to establish clear rules for the use of digital technologies in public administration and create a legislative framework for the protection of personal data of citizens.

To solve the problem of the lack of qualified specialists, it is necessary to conduct training and advanced training of government officials in the field of digital technologies. To expand the availability of digital services, it is necessary to work on expanding the availability of digital services, including for people with disabilities and residents of remote regions.

It is important to take into account the social aspects of digitalization of politics in order not to create digital inequality and not to exclude certain groups of the population from public administration processes. To do this, it is necessary to conduct social research and ensure a broad discussion of digital solutions with the participation of various groups of the population [2].

Socio-economic turbulence is instability and uncertainty in the social and economic spheres of society, which causes changes in established orders and standards of behavior. This can occur due to various reasons, such as economic crises, political changes, technological innovations, demographic changes, etc.

Socio-economic turbulence can lead to negative consequences, such as an increase in unemployment, a decrease in income, deterioration of living conditions, social tension and instability. However, it can also stimulate innovation and change in society, which can lead to new opportunities and development. In order to cope with socio-economic turbulence, it is necessary to develop flexible and adaptive mechanisms of the state that can quickly respond to changing conditions and needs of society. This may include the development of new technologies, the creation of social programs and policies that promote economic growth and equity, and the improvement of the education system and support for the population [2].

The prospects for digitalization of politics in the Russian Federation include improving the quality of public administration, increasing transparency and openness of political processes, reducing bureaucracy and simplifying procedures for citizens and businesses. It can also contribute to the development of the economy and attract investment to the country, as well as increase the competitiveness of the Russian Federation in the international arena.

In general, Russia's prospects from the point of view of the TSU are optimistic, and there is considerable potential for further development. According to the Digital McKinsey expert group, the digitalization of our country's economy will increase GDP by 4.1–8.9 billion rubles by 2025 [2]. It is planned to ensure the functioning and development of digital government, as well as the further development and improvement of those information systems that are aimed at providing public services and performing public functions in digital form. Thus, it is necessary to study the user experience all over the world, it is necessary to analyze existing digital systems and develop general requirements for modernization that would take into account best practices. It is worth developing even more detailed ways to improve the process of digitizing information for public administration and public services, which will increase the efficiency of organizations in this area.

However, digitalization of politics can also lead to dangers, such as threats to cybersecurity and violation of citizens' rights to privacy and protection of personal data. Therefore, it is necessary to develop effective protection mechanisms against cyber-attacks and violations, as well as establish clear rules for the use of digital technologies in public administration.



  1. Avtsinova G.I. Policy of digitalization in modern Russia: features of formation and prospects of development // PolitBook. 2019. No. 4. pp. 1-11.
  2. Obusheva K.A. Digital transformation of public administration / K. A. Obusheva. — Text : direct // Young scientist. — 2022. — № 20 (415). — Pp. 490-493.
  3. Charyeva M.R. Digital economy as a new paradigm for overcoming turbulence in the modern economy of the country / M. R. Charyeva, G. R. Charyeva. — Text : direct // Young scientist. — 2022. — № 49 (444). — Pp. 106-108.
  4. Electronic resource: Digital ecosystem of the stateСтатья:Digital ecosystem of the State (accessed 27.04.2023)