Alyushina Alyona Anatolevna,

Статья: The role of the curator in the organization of educational activities of students in a distance format on the example of the Chita State Medical Academy

Авторы: Alyushina Alyona Anatolevna,, Rozumnaya Elena Vladimirovna

Выходные данные статьи
Выходные данные статьи: Alyushina A.A., Rozumnaya E.V. The role of the curator in the organization of educational activities of students in a distance format on the example of the Chita State Medical Academy// Proceedings of the XX International Multidisciplinary Conference «Prospects and Key Tendencies of Science in Contemporary World». Bubok Publishing S.L., Madrid, Spain. 2022. DOI:10.32743/SpainConf.2022.6.20.343166
Секция: Секция 9. Педагогические науки
Статус статьи: Статья опубликована